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责任编辑:佚名 文章热词:入境航班熔断措施 加入时间:2020/6/5 18:54:42



  The Civil Aviation Administration of China, along with multiple departments including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will introduce a "reward" and "circuit breaker" mechanism for airlines based on passenger nucleic acid test results upon arrival in order to contain the number of imported cases of COVID-19.民航局与国家卫健委以及外交部等多部门将推出以落地后乘客核酸检测结果为依据的航班奖励和熔断机制,以控制新冠肺炎输入病例。

  As an incentive, carriers will be allowed to increase the number of international flights to two per week on one route if the number of passengers who have a positive nucleic acid test on their flights stands at zero for three consecutive weeks, according to the administration.奖励措施是指航空公司同一航线航班,入境后核酸检测结果为阳性的旅客人数连续3周为零的,可在航线经营许可规定的航班量范围内增加每周1班,达到每周2班。

  The airline must suspend the operation of the route for one week if the number of passengers who test positive for the coronavirus reaches five. If the number exceeds 10, the airline will suspend the flights for four weeks, it said.航空公司同一航线航班,入境后核酸检测结果为阳性的旅客人数达到5个的,暂停该公司该航线运行1周;达到10个的,暂停该公司该航线运行4周。

  国际客运航班调整后,预计目前保持通航的23个国家44个航空公司每周最多增加航班44班。按照3月26日以来每周实际执行率75%测算,每周航班实际增加50班(add 50 international flights);预计每周航空口岸入境人数约33000人,平均每日入境人数(the average number of daily inbound passengers)约4700人。


  国内每家航空公司经营至任一国家的航线只能保留1条,每条航线每周运营班次不得超过1班(domestic carriers can fly just one flight a week on one route to any country);外国每家航空公司经营至我国的航线只能保留1条(operate only one inbound route),每周运营班次不得超过1班。

  Overseas airlines that currently cannot operate flights to China will be permitted once-per-week flights into one of 37 port cities of their choosing starting on Monday.自2020年6月8日起,此前不能经营至我国航线的外国航空公司可以从37个中国口岸城市中选择1个具备接收能力的城市,每周运营1班国际客运航线航班。


  入境航班 inbound flight

  第一入境点 first point of entry

  重大航空运输保障机制 major air transportation guarantee mechanism

  包机 charter flights

  海关清关 customs clearance

  国际客运包机 chartered international passenger flights

  预先飞行计划 pre-flight plan

  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

